The Weak Minded

In the bowels of the free weight room at my gym, I noticed a huge weight lifting belt supporting a European looking man. He seemed to be walking gingerly back and forth between vigorous sets. It wasn’t the free range of motion associated with heavy lifting. I struck up a casual conversation. It soon became apparent that English wasn’t his best language on the planet. Since he knew only broken English, I asked him straightforward questions.
“Why are you wearing that big belt?” As if he were deaf, I pointed down to his belt apparatus.
He replied, “Weak back.”
“I’m sorry. When did you hurt your back?” In believing that he was hurt, I pointed to his back.
Again he said, “Week back.”
Wanting to clarify that he had been injured a week ago, I asked, “All right, tell me when you hurt it?”
“Week back.” He grunted. “Weak back.”
In a last ditch effort to salvage sense, I tried a different approach. I queried, “How long do you have to wear it?”
“Two hours, it’s week today.”
I went back to doing my sit-ups. There was too much insult to injury with this guy. Call me weak-minded but his workout sounded too damned complicated. Let somebody more caring than me figure it out.
Labels: Bally's