Freudian Slips
About Me
- Name: Joe Tornatore
- Location: Irony, New Jersey, United States
Life takes us many places. It's a box of chocolates and a Hansel and Gretal trail of candy wrappers. I have filmed as an actor in The Happening, Invincible, The Lovely Bones, The Bounty Hunter, The Greek American, Bazookas, Limitless, TV's Its Always Sunny in Philly, Outlaw, New York, The Warrior, The Nail, Game Change, Cold Case, & commercial work includes The Philadelphia Eagles, Septa, Coors, Turbo Tax & Carnival Cruises. Freudian Slips spotlights irony in short story format.
So too my life is a journey of self-discovery through mistaken identity. I crown thee website Freudian Slips.
TV's Fandemonium
Donovan McNabb Tug of War
2004 LITTLE DRUMMER BOY..... 12-19-04
2005 GOING POSTAL.............. 11-17-05
2006 SLIM PICKINGS................ 8-10-06
2007 THE NOTEBOOK................. 7-12-07
2008 GIRL INTERRUPTED........... 2-14-08
2009 NICK AT NIGHT...............6-28-09
*This is an interactive Blog. Leave comments by double clicking the COMMENTS tab underneath each story. Your comments can be left anonymously, with a pseudonym, or with name, rank and serial number. Writers working for free enjoy feedback.
DISCLAIMER: Fictitious demographic information including names and places are used where necessary to respect privacy. The stories are true unless otherwise stated. The content is intended to offer only a snapshot of the event described to protect identity and preserve dignity. The opinions expressed are not necessarily the views of the author's employer, Ripley's Believe It or Not, or any other affiliation. Viewer discretion is advised. Labels: family posted by Joe Tornatore | 4:45 PM
A rousing Happy Birthday to Freudian Slips, who turned two years ripe this week. After posting three short stories a week for two straight years, how much irony is there left to report? Plenty. To anyone even thinking about starting a blog to attract a readership, please inquire within about the time committment to produce quality writing. Labels: writing posted by Joe Tornatore | 8:38 AM
Labels: acting posted by Joe Tornatore | 7:54 AM
Labels: social work posted by Joe Tornatore | 7:55 AM
The caption of this classified ad in Saturday's Courier Post newspaper reads Slightly Used Time Machine Available for Pickup on April 19, 1847. The unusual spoof made my weekend. Labels: current events posted by Joe Tornatore | 10:07 AM
“Oh, you don't give that information out? So you want me to spill the beans. Why don’t you just put me on loudspeaker throughout the hospital and get it over with. Or you could take credit card applications in the office and when I call the registrar I can be asked my mother’s maiden name.”
Labels: social work posted by Joe Tornatore | 7:30 PM
Labels: picture posted by Joe Tornatore | 6:29 AM
Labels: Bally's posted by Joe Tornatore | 11:05 AM
Labels: sports posted by Joe Tornatore | 8:18 AM
Labels: picture posted by Joe Tornatore | 8:05 AM
Labels: writing posted by Joe Tornatore | 6:46 AM
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October 31, 2006
October 29, 2006
A Strange Brew
October 26, 2006
October 24, 2006
Freudian Slips Blog Birthday
October 22, 2006
Opportunity Kanks
October 19, 2006
October 17, 2006
The Crudeness of Gender Identity Disorder
October 15, 2006
Back to the Future
October 12, 2006
Fraud...It's Anybody's Game
In the wake of massive identity thefts infiltrating employees at my job, the following irony came to my immediate attention. In a doctor’s office, I signed in with the lovely receptionist. The first thing out of the receptionist’s mouth sounded like a military drill.
“Mr. Tornatore, could you use the phone in the waiting room to update your records?”
“I updated last month when I was here. I’m good for another year.”
“We changed our policy." she retorted. "Patients now need to update their information on a monthly basis. Use that phone over there to call the registrar.”
The first indication of it being a public phone is when people had to scurry from their seats for me to use it. In a game of musical chairs, the seating arrangement changed in order for me to access the phone. A strong indication of entrapment is when the designated phone is a corded landline that you can’t duck into a bathroom to whisper a private conversation. I dial the four-digit code and it connects me with a peppery male voice.
“What is your name?”
“Joseph Tornatore.” I proceed to spell my name heavy on one side of the vowel equation. The next question created an awakening inside me that oriented me to a crowded waiting room and identity theft.
“What is your birthdate? I need day, month, then year.”
“Look, I was told you needed to update my records. My birthdate has not changed. It is the same date from womb to tomb.”
Having endured this same torture ahead of me, people begin to chuckle in the waiting room. Apparently, I was not the only one who fell under a potentially fraudulent spotlight.
“Very well. Give me your social security number?”
I hicupped. "Running the risk of sounding like Captain Obvious, do you think my social security number is subject to change anymore than my birthdate? That too is a basket to casket.”
Every background actor’s dream, I now had an audience in the waiting room.
The voice into the receiver pressed, “I need this information, sir. For you to remain a patient, you need to adhere to our policy.”
“I have been very patient up until now. If you need to update my information you need to provide a private area to divulge personal information. Let me tell you this is no sanctuary. I’m standing in a waiting room with a dozen people in listening distance. I’m staring at a HIPAA privacy practice sign in your office the size of a movie poster and you are asking me my social security number and birthdate after I spelled out my full name letter by letter. Three people reached for pens as soon as I picked up this receiver. At the very least, you should be repeating my information to me, and I can agree or disagree.”
“We don’t give that information out." he assured. "We get it off you so we know who is receiving services today.”
October 10, 2006
Sex Drive
A booby prize will be awarded to the first married couple together for longer than 25
years who can locate this place. Wherever Sex Drive is, the prick of barb wire surrounds it.
October 08, 2006
Every Breath I Take
After a gym workout, I occasionally cool down in the swimming pool. I prefer to take advantage of this opportunity when there is nobody else using the pool. There is nothing more serene than lying submerged in still water by my lonesome. Many people do not like being alone in their skin. For better or worse, I have never been quite like other people.
Left alone in this world to my own devices, I will lay with my eyes closed floating on my back in water. I embrace the weightless buoyancy by paddling just enough to avoid sinking. The void of outside noises, voices, and distractions is soothing. With no waves or ripples and just my nose teetering above tepid water, my worries dissipate. I do not know if it is a logical extension of myself or a spiritual experience but something happens when I skim across the top of a swimming pool. If I listen closely, I can hear myself breathe. Most people take their breath for granted but noticing the very breath giving life is exactly the exclamation point. I draw deep breaths through my lungs and push air out through my mouth. It magnifies the sound of my breath in an echo chamber. A purposeful oxymoron, my breath makes me feel alive like no other feeling on this planet. Whenever I recreate this wonderful feeling, it is as if I am in a warm womb preparing for birth. Without fail, I ask God what I should be doing with my precious breaths in my life, however many may be left. To what end I do not know but the answer inadvertently always comes back to writing. To keep writing.
October 05, 2006
Howard's End
October 03, 2006
Diaper Man
-How do you know when you had too much to drink at a wedding?
When an adult male dresses like a baby and confuses it with a baby shower. I hope that this gentleman was not the father of the bride. That cockeyed safety pin is about to make the affair even less private.
October 01, 2006
25,000 Visitors
Maybe the reason I missed this triumphant mile marker is because no bell or whistle sounded. However, last week Freudian Slips catapaulted over 25,000 visitors. I decided to do some research to reveal the identity of my 25,000th visitor. I downloaded my statistics and discovered that my 25,000 visitor was a midget from Arkansas who Googled the word "irony" and got inundated by hundreds of short stories links posted on my blog. A midget getting caught on the short story end of irony is too apropro for even Freudian Slips.