A Barbie Doll TV newsreporter covering the dreadful disappearance of five-year-old Haleigh Cummings tossed out a statistic too matter of factly for my liking. Without batting her fake eyelashes, she reported,
“within a five mile radius of where the girl disappeared from her house, there are 44 registered sex offenders.” I don’t want to sound like an alarmist but Satsuma, Florida is described as a sparsely populated retirement community. I have never been good in arithmetic but unless they live next door to a maximum-security penal institution, this neighborhood sounds like a hotbed called Club Ped!
Take a compass and mileage markers to the scene of the crime. This means no matter which way the little girl might have tried to flee for her life…north south, east or west…a sex offender lurks within every tenth mile. Have we become that sinister of a society to prey on our most innocent and vulnerable members of the human race at such a proclivity? Maybe some ostrich people are better of not knowing the danger circling the compass. Until somebody tells me differently, I hope these numbers are outrageously skewed and not the national average. What you do not know will not kill you…until it does.
Labels: current events
Many of those offenders are probably living with their retired parents because they can't go anywhere else. I believe in rehabilitation, but repeat offenders in this area of crime are too common. I'm not sure that registering released offenders really does the trick. There are too many holes in the process. Kids need to be supervised all of the time.
A tough population for sure. Unfortunately, I do not have answers...just opinion. I do think GPS bracelets should be worn for life if convicted of this offense.
Alarming yes, but more alarming is that in Camden county alone there are 305 registered sex offenders and over 30+ within 5 miles of where you and I live
I know it sounds like a lot but in some areas - if you urinate in public and are charged with indecent exposure you have to register as a sex offender.
As a mother - the registered sex offenders don't worry me. It's the ones who haven't been caught that are off the radar that concern me.
I hope that find that child safe.
As a measure of comparison, I checked my area before I wrote this story. 4 in a 5 mile radius.
foxy one,
point well taken. This is only known and registered, the usual suspects.
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