This is a legitimate ad lifted from an actor's website for the Maryland area. Too bad I do not have touches of gray and am not fractionally Korean with a Hispanic appearance. I would do the paying gig for nothing but a porterhouse steak with fried mushrooms and an endless wave of Corona's.
Need someone to act as my father for dinner with ex-girlfriend who is trying to get closure on our relationship. She is from out of state and never met my parents, and unfortunately the weekend she is coming my parents are out of town, so I need someone there to satisfy her curiosity. She is a pit bull that won't take no for an answer, and so I have to resort to this...Long story that will make more sense when I hear from you.
Actor should: be or at least look 55 or older- I am 36 and be Hispanic, or part-Asian- I am 1/4 Korean but look Hispanic 3. if you do not look old but are Hispanic or part-Asian, contact me. Date: January 24, 2008 There will be several people at dinner, including friends, for a total of 5-7 people. I will pay for dinner (probably Ruth's Chris Steakhouse) and drinks as well as a fee for the evening. Should be lots of fun, but need to make sure her curiosity and closure are taken care of. Labels: acting
ah, come on Joe you could pull it off, this could be your one shot at being the lead actor.
hardy har har
Hey, if Meryl Streep could play an old Jewish rabbi in Angels in America, you could play a 55 year old Asian / Hispanic father.
Think of how much fodder you'd have for the blog after that escapade!!!
Withno dsrespect to Kenneth McGregor, Meryl Streep had a better acting coach. lol
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