Freudian Slips: Anatomy of a Cold Case Picture

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Location: Irony, New Jersey, United States

Life takes us many places. It's a box of chocolates and a Hansel and Gretal trail of candy wrappers. I have filmed as an actor in The Happening, Invincible, The Lovely Bones, The Bounty Hunter, The Greek American, Bazookas, Limitless, TV's Its Always Sunny in Philly, Outlaw, New York, The Warrior, The Nail, Game Change, Cold Case, & commercial work includes The Philadelphia Eagles, Septa, Coors, Turbo Tax & Carnival Cruises. Freudian Slips spotlights irony in short story format.

October 22, 2008

Anatomy of a Cold Case Picture

Lead actor Danny Pino with Joseph Tornatore

The iconic orange frontage of Geno's Steaks became the backdrop of a scene on the popular television show Cold Case. Hired as a background extra, I was there raising the steaks on the set with the principle actors.
I asked, “I understand that your character is wrapped for the day but I would love to get a picture with you for my scrapbook.”
Talented actor Danny Pino remarked, “I don’t mind but you really should not have a camera on the set.”
I tried to ignore his heed to caution. “Understood. Thanks for being so congenial.”
As we maneuvered our shoulders side be side, it felt like he was following my lead. I still needed someone, anyone really, to take the picture. I handed it to a bespectacled man wearing a jogging suit. I had not seen him on the set all day.
Like a ventriloquist, Danny spoke under his breath through his toothy perfect smile. He was considerate not to ruin this picture but he wanted to convey the gravity of my camera-happy last action. As my loaner camera got raised to take our picture, I heard the following two statements bing bang and I do not need to identify the speaker here.
“I know a good picture when I see one.”
“You just handed your camera to the director.”
Gulp! The director, who just arrived on the set to shoot the second episode, snapped this photo. We had all taken direction from director Holly Dale all morning. I became the first picture the arriving director framed all day.
Epilogue: I made the final cut as a pedestrian on this episode of Cold Case, which aired last Sunday. In actuality, I got more camera time in this KWY news broadcast, which aired to promote the new season of Cold Case. I’m behind lead Katherine Morris in a lime green shirt talking to my agent.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol, you gave your camera to the director to take the picture. Nice! No wonder it came out good too, lol. Funny the lead actor warned you about having a camera on set, come on! Lol.

Nice job,
Not Your Average Joe

12:55 AM  
Blogger Joe Tornatore said...

not your average joe,
i got caught up in the moment. sorry.

8:24 AM  
Blogger mommanator said...

You may be the Cold Case if you continue to go WHere Men should not go! LOL

10:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CT baby, CT baby

2:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joe, this is the second time in your acting career when I've been forced to lay off saying, "I didn't raise any dummies!"

The first instance is the dummy scene in the movie, "Invincible."

Great picture of you and Danny Pino.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell the crime scene investigator to check my pockets for a camera, there may be sentimental pictures taken that can be traced back to my killer. lol

tiny CT but CT.

Excellent call back memory.

8:55 AM  

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