My poor wife has been worried about her uncommon forgetfulness. I showed an initial level of support trying to convince her that she has been under an incredible amount of stress and responsibility which is impairing her mental faculties indefnitely. When she refused to believe me, she irrationally convinced herself she was suffering from early onset dementia. I could no longer get her to think in any other terms so I joined her worry wart program.
When she addressed me, I would say, “Why did you just call me by your first husband’s name? I began to prey upon her insecurities even more by asking her if she remembered fake memories from our past. Out of the blue, I would say we just talked about that yesterday. My torment about her forgetfulness peaked at a Christmas party, when repetitive bombardments in a family atmosphere had her ready for nursing home admission.
After the party, I felt a pinch guilty about my ornery behavior on my way back to my car. As I got in the car, a strange feeling swept over me. My leather seats were warm. I had just walked through frigid outdoor temperatures but the cabin operated at a comfortable 73 degrees. The dashboard was all lit up. I noticed that I had half of a tank of gas less than I
remembered. Then it dawned on me. I forgot to turn off my car. I had left the car engine running for the last three and a half hours….the whole time I tortured my wife at the party..about her forgetfulness.
Labels: family
Hey I saw your car that night and didn't really think anything of it since it looked like a mail box was attached to the rear window. I knocked, the lights were on, but you weren't home.
How ironic can you get? You, pretending to be Charles Boyer's character in "Gaslight" and D playing the roll of Ingrid Bergman as his wife, while your auto uses up most of its gas.
irony coming back to take money from my pocket.
That's ironic beyond words. Please inform et that four days after her prediction I received an offer on the house.....we'll see if it comes to fruition..
Zelda, it is bearing fruit as we speak. Good Luck!
Zelda and Et,
Can anyone by the life of Reilly tell me when you two are getting together to prognositicate?
Joe I am so glad your forgetfullness got the best of you this time! I would kill you if I ever found out that you were doing that to me! Your wife must be a saint!
I never said it was easy being her.
Oh the IRONY of it all!!!
I hope your wife had a good laugh over this.
It made her feel a whole lot better. Me, I have been driving around for days trying to find the cheapest gas station. lol
Who could blame your wife if she started calling her third husband by her second husband's name???
interesting take. lol
Joe, Have you ever heard the saying, "What goes around, comes around".
Tell "D" not to worry, she thinks she is going crazy because of who she is married to.
Love ya, Catherine Mary
catherine mary,
thanks for your support. lol
Any time Joe! You know I have your back. Love ya, Catherine Mary
Just realized I forgot to comment!
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